Our Mission
At HopePointe, we make disciples who know and love God, grow together in Christ, and sow the seeds of the Kingdom in the power of the Holy Spirit.
“All In” is an invitation to a journey in the Kingdom of God. He has formed us to do this work with the help of the Holy Spirit and others.
“Know, “Grow,” and “Sow” are foundational themes for our Christian Discipleship.
Heart: Knowing God’s heart for us and others
Identity: Knowing our identity in Christ and the church
Gifts: Growing in the stewardship of our gifts
Service: Growing in our acts of service and mission
Evangelism: Sowing the message of the Gospel
Discipleship: Sowing the seeds of faith in others
Discipleship in Faith and Action
Bible Studies
Our Bible Studies meet at either the church or a local restaurant during the week to discuss Scripture, doctrine, theology, and other topics of interest. They help us to grow in fellowship and faith.
LifeGroups are small groups that meet in homes during the week to discuss Scripture, doctrine, theology, and other topics of interest. Because LifeGroups encourage us to share in study, prayer, and fellowship, they are at the heart of knowing God’s will for us, growing in His image, and sowing the gifts He has given us.
Family Life Ministry
Family Life Ministry provides intentional discipleship for children and youth from age 1 through 12th grade.
Compassion Outreach
Compassion Outreach plans and conducts ministry to the community on behalf of HopePointe. The team currently works with Love Fosters Hope, Pregnancy Assistance Center North, and Vision Trust.
Daughters of Hope
Daughters of Hope is HopePointe’s chapter of the Anglican Church of North America’s Order of the Daughters of the Holy Cross. The Daughters meet at the church to grow in prayer, service, evangelism, and study through planning service projects, having devotional teachings, spending time in prayer, and fellowshipping together.
The quality of our worship is one expression of the depth and breadth of our Christian discipleship.